Wednesday 21 November 2012

Lesson 2 : Dont Wait For Karma!

*Sings in the style of Alicia Keys*
"What goes around comes around what goes up must go down!!!"
(now this song is now going to be stuck in your mind for the whole day! Lol!)

The term Karma* in its colloquial sense, is used to define a concept where the things you do to others will one day come back around and affect you.

The bible also speaks about this concept,  in Job 4:8 for example which says that "those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it".

After being hurt by someone, the idea that one day they may feel the same pain as you did/do, may provide you with some form of satisfaction. I know it did for me!

I mean, lets be real;  for the past week you have been in the foetal position in a darkened room, listening to the slow jam playlist you made on YouTube, sobbing your heart out whenever 'End of the Road' played, just because of that guy, who you thought would love you forever, broke your heart!

Why wouldn't the thought that one day he would pay for what he did to you fill you with a sense of satisfaction that justice will eventually be served! It is one of the worse feelings to think that someone who caused you so much pain is living life deliriously happy, whilst you are still trying to heal from the wounds that they caused.

So, you wait with baited breath for the day that they finally 'reap what they have sown'. I was there. I was stuck there. In a place where I couldn't move forward because I was waiting for the day when I would receive 'justice' for the hurt that I suffered. The day that the ex and his new boo would break up so I could say AH HAH! KARMA GOTCHYAA!! Crazy? Yes. Human? Very much so!

It took me a lot of soul searching, praying and admittedly private investigating (i.e. looking at instagram/facebook/twitter photos feeds etc...don't follow my example, its the worse thing to do!), to realise that;

  1. It was not Christ like for me to be waiting plotting and praying for the downfall of others! In doing so I was also sowing evil with my thoughts, and therefore I would eventually reap evil too. Thus short circuiting my own blessings!!
  2. Waiting for 'justice to be served' meant that I was stuck in a place of hurt that I could not move on from. I was therefore holding myself back from healing properly.
  3. I failed to realise that; God has a perfect plan for everyone and that includes the ex. Thus this girl may be the person that he was always meant to be with, they may never break up and they may even get married and live happily ever after. Therefore, 'justice' in a form that i wanted it, i.e. them breaking up, may never actually occur!! Reality can be a bitter pill to swallow! But don't be disheartened!
  4. Psalm 126:5 promises that "Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy!" Therefore, through all the tears you have cried you have been sowing seeds and when the harvest eventually comes you will reap joy, happiness, love and peace! What better justice can you ask for!!

I have learnt that I have to leave vengeance to God. Trust me, He loves us so much, that He will grant us the sweetest justice by sending us our own Adam who will love us in ways that we can't even begin to explain, imagine or list! Everyday will we wake up and give thanks to God for the blessing He has brought into our lives, and the English Breakfast that the blessing prepared and served to us in bed! hehe! :)

So let us stop waiting around for Ms Karma to strike, as by doing so we may be sowing bad seeds ourselves! Instead, pray for the person that hurt you, sow seeds of kindness, peace and love, so that when the right time comes, this is what you will reap.

"The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:8-19

*It should be noted that Karma in it's real sense is a "...theological concept found in the Buddhist and Hindu religions. It is the idea that how you live your life will determine the quality of life you will have after reincarnation" therefore as the bible does not support the idea of reincarnation, therefore it does not support the concept of Karma. (see for more details).

Thursday 1 November 2012

Uh oh!!

Once again, I have slacked on my blogging skills!

I have a few posts that should be plonked on here sometime soon!!

Watch this space :)